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  Build Information:
  Build Version:
Release Date: 2015-09-14

A Massive build to move us towards true responsive layouts
  1) Content streaming now handled via Output::push() and Output::pull()
     MANY file changes:
        Page::push_content($part, $code)    ->      Output::push($part, $code)
        Page::pop_content($part)            ->      Output::part($code)
  2) Begun support for responsive layouts:
     Now layouts have 'responsive' flag and switch code preparation based upon that

  Code Changes:
  codebase.php                                                                                   4.0.0     (2015-09-14)
    1) Updated version information
  classes/class.action.php                                                                       1.0.23    (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.ajax.php                                                                         1.0.25    (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.block_layout.php                                                                 1.0.66    (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.bugtracker.php                                                                   1.0.8     (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.cart.php                                                                         1.0.7     (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.checkout.php                                                                     1.0.45    (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.community_display.php                                                            1.0.42    (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::pushContent() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.community_member.php                                                             1.0.108   (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::pop_content() now changed to Output::pull()
  classes/class.community_member_display.php                                                     1.0.43    (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.community_member_summary.php                                                     1.0.21    (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.component_events_map.php                                                         1.0.3     (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.component_facebook_like.php                                                      1.0.5     (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.component_gallery_album.php                                                      1.0.72    (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.component_gallery_fader.php                                                      1.0.43    (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.component_gallery_thumbnails.php                                                 1.0.36    (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.component_google_plusone.php                                                     1.0.1     (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.component_image_fader.php                                                        1.0.2     (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.component_image_gallery.php                                                      1.0.1     (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.component_inline_signin.php                                                      1.0.3     (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.component_member_search.php                                                      1.0.13    (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.component_password_protect.php                                                   1.0.4     (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.component_persons_listing.php                                                    1.0.2     (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.component_persons_map.php                                                        1.0.2     (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.component_poll_archive.php                                                       1.0.2     (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.component_rss_displayer.php                                                      1.0.2     (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.component_rss_headlines.php                                                      1.0.1     (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.component_signin.php                                                             1.0.3     (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.component_time_tracker.php                                                       1.0.4     (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.component_twitter.php                                                            1.0.3     (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.custom_form.php                                                                  1.0.42    (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.displayable_item.php                                                             1.0.154   (2015-09-13)
    1) Many changes following move of output streaming from Page into Output class:
         Page::push_content()           ->      Output::push()
         Page::pop_content()            ->      Output::pull()
         Page::$content = array()       ->      Output::reset()
         isset(Page::$content[$part])   ->      Output::present($part)
  classes/class.event.php                                                                        1.0.105   (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.fck.php                                                                          1.0.23    (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::pop_content() now changed to Output::pull()
  classes/class.gc_weather.php                                                                   1.0.1     (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::pop_content() now changed to Output::pull()
  classes/class.group_wizard.php                                                                 1.0.14    (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::pop_content() now changed to Output::pull()
  classes/class.html.php                                                                         1.0.91    (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::pop_content() now changed to Output::pull()
  classes/class.jumploader.php                                                                   1.0.8     (2015-09-13)
    1) References to Page::pop_content() now changed to Output::pull()
  classes/class.layout.php                                                                       1.0.29    (2015-09-12)
    1) Added 'responsive' to fields list
    2) Layout::prepare() now looks at 'responsive' flag to determine how to prepare the output
    3) Added methods Layout::prepareResponsiveHead() and Layout::prepareResponsiveFoot()
    4) References to Page streaming method now changes to use Output class instead
    5) Made largely PSR-2 compliant
  classes/class.mail_queue.php                                                                   1.0.38    (2015-09-14)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.media_audioplayer.php                                                            1.0.10    (2015-09-14)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.order.php                                                                        1.0.69    (2015-09-14)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/                                                                         1.0.123   (2015-09-14)
    1) Moved Page::prepare_html_head() and Page::prepare_html_foot() into Layout class
    2) Page streaming now performed by Output class - stub methods remain for backwards compatability:
           Page::push_content($part, $code)
  classes/class.page_edit.php                                                                    1.0.18    (2015-09-12)
    1) Call to Layout::get_selector_sql() now Layout::getSelectorSql()
    2) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.page_vars.php                                                                    1.0.26    (2015-09-12)
    1) Page_Vars::_swap_layout_if_other_language() call to Layout::get_language_options() now getLanguageOptions()
    2) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.payment_method.php                                                               1.0.11    (2015-09-14)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.person.php                                                                       1.0.125   (2015-09-14)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.php_excel.php                                                                    1.0.3     (2015-09-14)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.product.php                                                                      1.0.79    (2015-09-14)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.product_catalogue.php                                                            1.0.32    (2015-09-14)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.product_relationship.php                                                         1.0.5     (2015-09-14)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.rating.php                                                                       1.0.6     (2015-09-14)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/                                                                       1.0.87    (2015-09-12)
    1) Report::handle_delete() now provides support for PSR-2 compliant named method handleReportDelete()
  classes/class.report_column.php                                                                1.0.132   (2015-09-14)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.report_filter.php                                                                1.0.17    (2015-09-14)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.report_form.php                                                                  1.0.65    (2015-09-14)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.report_form_field_lookup.php                                                     1.0.3     (2015-09-14)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.report_report.php                                                                1.0.30    (2015-09-14)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/                                                                       1.0.11    (2015-09-14)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.survey.php                                                                       1.0.18    (2015-09-14)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.system.php                                                                       1.0.164   (2015-09-14)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/class.system_edit.php                                                                  1.0.34    (2015-09-12)
    1) Call to Layout::get_selector_sql() now  Layout::getSelectorSql()
    2) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/component/base.php                                                                     1.0.4     (2015-09-14)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/component/biblelinks.php                                                               1.0.2     (2015-09-14)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/component/breadcrumbs.php                                                              1.0.6     (2015-09-14)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/component/calendarlarge.php                                                            1.0.30    (2015-09-13)
    1) Many changes following move of output streaming from Page into Output class:
         Page::push_content()           ->      Output::push()
         Page::pop_content()            ->      Output::pull()
         Page::$content = array()       ->      Output::reset()
         isset(Page::$content[$part])   ->      Output::present($part)
  classes/component/calendarsmall.php                                                            1.0.5     (2015-09-14)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/component/calendaryearly.php                                                           1.0.2     (2015-09-14)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/component/collectionviewer.php                                                         1.0.53    (2015-09-14)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/component/combotabber.php                                                              1.0.12    (2015-09-14)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/component/communitiesdisplay.php                                                       1.0.7     (2015-09-14)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/component/contentblock.php                                                             1.0.2     (2015-09-14)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/component/customiserbutton.php                                                         1.0.4     (2015-09-14)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/component/documentreader.php                                                           1.0.2     (2015-09-14)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/component/emailnewslettersignup.php                                                    1.0.2     (2015-09-14)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/component/iconsocial.php                                                               1.0.3     (2015-09-14)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/component/wowslider.php                                                                1.0.12    (2015-09-14)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/map/googlemap.php                                                                      1.0.1     (2015-09-14)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/nav/drawnav.php                                                                        1.0.4     (2015-09-14)
    1) References to Page::push_content() now changed to Output::push()
  classes/output.php                                                                             1.0.0     (2015-09-13)
    1) Initial release - performs streaming operations previously handled by Page class
  img.php                                                                                        2.0.85    (2015-09-10)
    1) Added animate.css and bootstrap.css to css list
  style/default.css                                                                              1.0.169   (2015-09-12)
    1) Strenthened definitions relating to admin menu to prevent bootstrap from messing with them
  style/labels.css                                                                               1.0.47    (2015-09-12)
    1) Added lbl_responsive

  Database Changes:
  1) Added `responsive` field to layout table
  2) Added responsive column / field for layouts
  3) Set version information

  Module Versions:
  Backup 1.0.5, Codebase 4.0.0, CSS 1.0.169, DB 2394, DB C/S f4d5de57, FCKeditor 4.4.7, FCKeditor Config 1.0.23, Functions 1.0.17, GetID3 1.8.3b, icons C/S fcf2a910, Img 2.0.85, JS Functions 1.1.269, JS Members 1.0.142, labels C/S 62267341, System 1.0.35

  codebase.php                                        4.0.0
  classes/  (79 files changed)
    class.action.php                                  1.0.23    CS:98e9e733
    class.ajax.php                                    1.0.25    CS:c53de5fb
    class.block_layout.php                            1.0.66    CS:c2433d80
    class.bugtracker.php                              1.0.8     CS:5e3f1001
    class.cart.php                                    1.0.7     CS:480b230a
    class.checkout.php                                1.0.45    CS:e09f417c
    class.community_display.php                       1.0.42    CS:19b1df44
    class.community_member.php                        1.0.108   CS:bfdb53a4
    class.community_member_display.php                1.0.43    CS:9c9e902d
    class.community_member_summary.php                1.0.21    CS:69179469
    class.component_events_map.php                    1.0.3     CS:c00affc0
    class.component_facebook_like.php                 1.0.5     CS:dbd31416
    class.component_gallery_album.php                 1.0.72    CS:bfba4ef1
    class.component_gallery_fader.php                 1.0.43    CS:c62a8f54
    class.component_gallery_thumbnails.php            1.0.36    CS:3ec8cbe7
    class.component_google_plusone.php                1.0.1     CS:aa58bd45
    class.component_image_fader.php                   1.0.2     CS:a5654a7e
    class.component_image_gallery.php                 1.0.1     CS:cde322d4
    class.component_inline_signin.php                 1.0.3     CS:c0c696f6
    class.component_member_search.php                 1.0.13    CS:f690e66
    class.component_password_protect.php              1.0.4     CS:f3a11b0
    class.component_persons_listing.php               1.0.2     CS:c364832d
    class.component_persons_map.php                   1.0.2     CS:ade69cbe
    class.component_poll_archive.php                  1.0.2     CS:2a685f9b
    class.component_rss_displayer.php                 1.0.2     CS:87b7ac7a
    class.component_rss_headlines.php                 1.0.1     CS:e86e552
    class.component_signin.php                        1.0.3     CS:d812fbd7
    class.component_time_tracker.php                  1.0.4     CS:66888f42
    class.component_twitter.php                       1.0.3     CS:bf5b5fdc
    class.custom_form.php                             1.0.42    CS:1aa39fa8
    class.displayable_item.php                        1.0.154   CS:6607a3d3
    class.event.php                                   1.0.105   CS:fcd7573e
    class.fck.php                                     1.0.23    CS:b4b09221
    class.gc_weather.php                              1.0.1     CS:ed1f3db7
    class.group_wizard.php                            1.0.14    CS:26beb6e8
    class.html.php                                    1.0.91    CS:7b653c73
    class.jumploader.php                              1.0.8     CS:fc93928b
    class.layout.php                                  1.0.29    CS:f451b3ce
    class.mail_queue.php                              1.0.38    CS:faf4f85
    class.media_audioplayer.php                       1.0.10    CS:d5994bf9
    class.order.php                                   1.0.69    CS:b7daefed                                    1.0.123   CS:491a5d41
    class.page_edit.php                               1.0.18    CS:433bfcef
    class.page_vars.php                               1.0.26    CS:6adfeb01
    class.payment_method.php                          1.0.11    CS:20bfa6ae
    class.person.php                                  1.0.125   CS:e2be25ec
    class.php_excel.php                               1.0.3     CS:b56aee05
    class.product.php                                 1.0.79    CS:7cf3f614
    class.product_catalogue.php                       1.0.32    CS:d9002ba2
    class.product_relationship.php                    1.0.5     CS:40d5281e
    class.rating.php                                  1.0.6     CS:3c82c959                                  1.0.87    CS:fd0e7470
    class.report_column.php                           1.0.132   CS:5122c5f8
    class.report_filter.php                           1.0.17    CS:c728434f
    class.report_form.php                             1.0.65    CS:ff87a301
    class.report_form_field_lookup.php                1.0.3     CS:aaa48c7f
    class.report_report.php                           1.0.30    CS:13839563                                  1.0.11    CS:3efc47fd
    class.survey.php                                  1.0.18    CS:d9977b9b
    class.system.php                                  1.0.164   CS:7dea2975
    class.system_edit.php                             1.0.34    CS:6cf57ffb
    component/base.php                                1.0.4     CS:c11436df
    component/biblelinks.php                          1.0.2     CS:9ff43f27
    component/breadcrumbs.php                         1.0.6     CS:3071ff2f
    component/calendarlarge.php                       1.0.30    CS:c9928630
    component/calendarsmall.php                       1.0.5     CS:ad170c53
    component/calendaryearly.php                      1.0.2     CS:8cc49562
    component/collectionviewer.php                    1.0.53    CS:f4d6a81d
    component/combotabber.php                         1.0.12    CS:bdd79c4c
    component/communitiesdisplay.php                  1.0.7     CS:aa3379ac
    component/contentblock.php                        1.0.2     CS:53184587
    component/customiserbutton.php                    1.0.4     CS:d33c84d6
    component/documentreader.php                      1.0.2     CS:2f810e54
    component/emailnewslettersignup.php               1.0.2     CS:22d3e85d
    component/iconsocial.php                          1.0.3     CS:d24fe303
    component/wowslider.php                           1.0.12    CS:5dd00798
    map/googlemap.php                                 1.0.1     CS:3d50bc81
    nav/drawnav.php                                   1.0.4     CS:1f745356
    output.php                                        1.0.0     CS:30e7faa8
  img.php                                             2.0.85    CS:6d3ced2e
  images/labels.gif                                             CS:62267341
  style/default.css                                   1.0.169   CS:5ab4feba
  style/labels.css                                    1.0.47    CS:5efc4797
Comments list begins